The Lord Is My Shepherd
"The Lord is my shepherd . . ." How many of you, in simply reading those words, continued on with the remainder of Psalm 23? Many, I suspect - and quite a few of those spoke it in the language and meter of the King James Version, just as King David wrote it, some believe (tongue in cheek). Regardless how you hear it or speak them, those words in my heart are a profound statement of faith, a witness to where my soul sinks its deepest root. "The Lord is my shepherd . . ." unambiguously states that no one else is, which is critically important to remember in these days, especially as we enter Advent preparation. "The Lord is my shepherd . . ." calls me to trust the Child more. "The Lord is my shepherd . . ." invokes a spirit of patience in waiting for His arrival. "The Lord is my shepherd . . ." beckons the timid of being to be strong in His care. "The Lord is my shepherd . . ." provides rest in the nighttime of our restlessnes...