"Mellanie Has Been Here"
"The desert and the dry land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom like the crocus . . . The will see the Lord's glory, the splendor of our God." Isaiah 35:1, 2c Most days, I have only to walk in the house and it becomes apparent that our good friend, Mellanie Portz, has been by. Usually the tell-tale sign is a flower from her garden in a simple bottle or small vase, sometimes it is something on which to nibble and yet at other times it is a mention of something which she has read and is recommending for us to consider. Always the gift. Always the smile. Always the thoughtfulness. This particular vestige of a recent visit was sitting on our counter when I arrived home after a long day at the office. Maybe I am deluding myself, but in my heart I believe that many folk imagine that Pastors just sit in their offices all day, read scripture, play their favorite music, consider the lilies of the valley, ponder the open tomb, then prepare for next Sunday inspir...